This is a framed print of the original "Call Me Yellow"
This piece was made with vintage fabric from the Philippines. It highlights my mixed-race heritage; being half Slovak and half Filipino / Chinese.
The pattern represents the bubbles on a scantron test that I used to waste all my test time deciding what race circle I fit into. The fan portrays a core memory from shopping in Flushing, Queens with my grandma at different Asian markets, finally realizing other Asians existed outside of my family.
The faded indigo shape in the top left represents the Chinese Dragon, symbolizing change. Changing who I was, changing the tone of my voice, changing the way I dress; to appease others. Finally, the lavender and yellow strokes on the bottom right represent water and movement.
The term "yellow" was used in a negative light for my skin tone. "Call Me Yellow" is a hope to change the context. To bring in more creativity, clarity, and optimism.